curly hair woman working from home on computer

Let’s set the mood, shall we?

Let’s set the stage, it’s the summer of 2020 here in Charlotte, North Carolina. We just finished with 3 months of really good weather! It is finally warm enough for you to shed just 1 layer of your winter clothing, and possibly start coming out of hibernation. You are ready, I am ready, WE are ready to get out there and show off our summer bodies that we DID NOT work on in the winter. 






It hits us! And it’s name is Covid-19 aka Rona aka “The Pandemic.” So back into the house you go. 


So this is the Corona Craze 

Although you are saving gas money, you are now spending extra money on Rona necessities. Snacks on snacks on snacks, I mean Dunkaroos are going for more than $50 on Ebay, and all of those post Covid-19 outfits you bought, might not see the light of day until 2021, because you really do not know WHEN you will be getting out of the house again! 

So the new normal has spiked Zoom’s stock, because it is now your new personal trainer as well as your boss. Your thumb is getting more exercise than the rest of your body, because HELLO Netflix is the new king, I mean have you seen Tiger King?! Your fancy ergonomic work chair has turned into a side lying position on your couch for 8+ hours a day, so no wonder your back is hurting, huh? 

Oh and now the kids are home ALL DAY, EVERY DAY! Or maybe now your partner is “working” from home aka disturbing your zen with his/her 1 million conference calls. Do you feel that migraine coming, yep me too! 

So this has been life for 3 months! Now you can’t sleep, because you hurt EVERYWHERE (que “My Neck, My Back”). You notice your jaw is starting to give you issues, because you are clenching your teeth at night to cope with all of this added stress. You’re a hot mess and you know it, but what are you going to do, because let’s be honest, you ARE NOT trying to go anywhere near a doctor’s office! 


We got your back, literally 

Well have no fear, your local Southpark chiropractor is here! Most of the aches and pains described above fall into the musculoskeletal category, and lucky for you, this is the chiropractor’s sweet spot! Through the use of spinal manipulation, also known to many as the adjustment, we can restore motion back into joints experiencing decreased range of motion as a result of this new more sedentary lifestyle we have all adopted. 


Well…what about that knot you have between your shoulder blades from awful sleep and terrible work from home postures? 


We’ve got something for you too! With the help of various soft tissue modalities and at home stretches and exercises, we will get you as close to your post pandemic self as possible! You deserve to be happy, healthy, and pain free during these crazy times and we would like to help you get there! 

If you are ready to release your pandemic pains, give Southpark Chiropractic a call or visit our website to contact us for a complimentary consultation! 

Brittnei  Scott

Brittnei Scott


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